


#Shadows #GuitarInstrumental #JustinPreston


     The inspiration for Shadows came in part by another song with the word shadow in the title. While this song bears no resemblance in any way to the aforementioned musically, it does convey the emotions I intended. Many of my songs can have a dark somber quality to them, but it was my intent to also convey hope, to convey a sense that shadow can act as a reflection of the beings or objects who cast them. This is often a theme that repeats itself in several compositions of mine. Yet, I always try to impart some sense of hope or triumph in my guitar instrumentals. Without hope….why bother.

      This song also surprised me in the sense that it was written in a specific key, yet when I went to write the leads for it, some of what I thought would work did not. I ended up superimposing two other keys on top of the root key to create the leads in a way that sounded natural. This is a technique I learned from studying John Coltrane and other Jazz greats. While this song is not a jazz song, it does have elements borrowed from this genre. I hope you enjoy!