

#Victorious #GuitarInstrumental #JustinPreston

     I have a penchant for musical themes that have a Victorious or triumphant feel to them. I love the way these themes can induce emotions of pride, strength, and create an irreverent feeling that anything can be accomplished with grit and determination. There’s a choice everyone has to make with regard to feeling like a victim of his or her circumstance or digging deep to persevere with a Victorious mindset. Many times in my life I have struggled to maintain this frame of mind. It is in these times I tend to write these musical themes and allow their powerful motifs to encapsulate my being so I can find strength when my need is its deepest or facing my darkest hours. It’s very important to cultivate this mindset to create greater successes and increase their frequency. In these times of uncertainty it’s more important than ever to keep moving forward and make progress toward your goals. That is how one becomes victorious….by never giving up and never surrendering. I hope you enjoy!